How to combine Feng Shui with the Law of Attraction?
Here is a definition of ‘law’ in Law of Attraction, from my New Oxford American Dictionary.
Law: a statement of fact deduced from observation to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present.
So what certain conditions do you need?
1) First thing is to get clear on what you want and write it down.
2) Then use Feng Shui implementations in your home to attract what you want. Example of this; You would like to find a relationship, so write down the qualities you would like in a mate (LoA). Be very clear here on what you want, then implement by clearing a space in your bedroom for a partner and adding an extra night table. If you want a relationship, you need to make room for it. You also need to make time to receive and nurture this relationship in your calendar (Feng Shui). If you don’t make time and room, you send mixed messages to the universe by saying one thing and doing another (LoA).
3) Of course, trust that you will receive your desire and then let go of any attachment to it. For example, you go to a restaurant and ask for pizza. You trust your waiter will bring your pizza. You don’t keep questioning your waiter every time he passes to make sure he knows you said pizza; you just trust he will. It’s the very same process of detachment and trusting with everything you want. Start small with this.
I would love to hear about what you attracted using this process; it is fun to live life this way.
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